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        I began storytelling as a young hooligan with a camera and a tenacious veracity for demanding the best of performances from my less than enthused friends and brothers. My first "film school" came from the MANY hours I spent watching the BTS featurettes of the Lord of the Rings (the extended versions - proud nerd).

After high school I enrolled in the theater program at my local community college, spent two years studying technique, performing on stage and making lifelong friends. I then learned that the school had a fantastic film program run by Academy Award winner Gray Frederickson. SO, I dove in - headfirst! There I absorbed much, made more lifelong friends, and discovered my confidence as a filmmaker.

        After graduating, I landed a job at a media company making non-profit videos and commercials. After two years, I started my own company, Deep Focus Creative. That same spring I was cast in a Francis Ford Coppola film, AND made a documentary about his "Live Cinema" proof of concept masterpiece Distant Vision. I learned so much from this experience! But with ups come downs... The same year, I had a major foot injury - during my rehabilitation, I began a little web series called P(r)etty Girls; The "R" is Silent to stay sane while out of work! I plan to expand upon this project in the future. It got me through a tough time, and helped me grow as a filmmaker in the process.

            In 2017, I collaborated with four indie directors to make the anthology film MONO. We follow a strange day in the life of our protagonist, Molly. My segment, PIVOTAL, opens the film. All proceeds of our premiere screening were donated to a local charity (over 2k) - which is pretty cool! 

        2020 saw the release of two films for me - I play Madison, an Army-trained soldier suffering from amnesia, dropped in a danger zone of vicious robots in the Sci-Fi Action film Robot Riot - I can honestly say I've never had more fun destroying robots! On a slightly less dangerous note, in The Adventures of A.R.I My Robot Friend I am Dr. Simon, a scientist with a bad case of horrible bosses. Robot movies are so hot right now...

In a change of direction, I played a Nun in the film Agnes, which is expected to release late 2021. The sisters and I had a wonderful time collaborating with indie film director Mickey Reece; nuns are fun.

in late 2020, I played Sam, a derelict vagrant in the feature film WAIT! which I also had the pleasure of producing. Now THIS film... oh boy! It's going to be a ride... 

            Currently, I am writing on a feature-length narrative in the tragicomedy genre - with plans to produce and direct within the 2021-2022 era. More on this project as it develops! 

            WHEW! Are you still here? With all THAT happening, I've also been working as crew in the Oklahoma film industry - it's popping here! I do anything and everything from Camera Dept, G&E and Art, to First Assistant Director. I believe the best way to tell a story through the lens is to understand every element that goes into our incredible art form.

            But enough about me... I want to know about YOU! What brings you here? Feel free to hit me up! I have the social medias and a handy contact form at the butt of this website. Chat soon ;)








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